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Tactical NERF Action in the Heartlands

In March 2020, we organized a NERF birthday party event for our client in the heartlands area for his son and friends. An empty open nearby area was chosen, and we setup up the obstacles for an awesome NERF battle!

Wearing safety gears before the start of the game

Safety's first! We began by issuing safety protective eye-wear, and also briefing of the game and safety rules.

Beautiful weather and HDB for a NERF game

Wow, Instagram-worthy neighbourhood for kids to play NERF!

Special modified NERF guns for kids to play

Our NERF guns are modified to look more cool, so that the kids can have a game that lasts in their memories.

Red team Ready to charge!

Red Team is ready to charge! Each player wears a color-coded Velcro Vest. If the Velcro Bullets sticks on, that means the player is out!

Sniper with NERF mega guns

For more fire-power, we also use NERF Mega Guns which are able to shoot further than "usual" NERF guns. These are great for kids who wanna be sniper!

Everyone, shoot daddy!

Daddy joins in the game! Everyone, attack!!!!!

Thank you for organizing a NERF gun party with us, and we look forward to see everyone again soon!

Dart War - NERF Events for Teambuilding & Birthday Parties


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